Editorial Note
Thelma Jackson-Abidally, “Introduction: African Americans on Long Island, A Rich History”
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Ross Thomas Rava and Christopher N. Matthews, “An Archaeological View of Slavery and Social Relations at Rock Hall, Lawrence, New York”
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Charla E. Bolton, AICP and Reginald H. Metcalf, Jr., “The Migration of Jupiter Hammon and His Family: From Slavery to Freedom and its Consequences”
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Allison Manfra McGovern and David J. Bernstein, “Preserving Church Lane: Applied Anthropology and History in a Long Island African-American Community”
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Jenna Wallace Coplin, “Mapping African American History Across Long Island”
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Robert E. Lewis, Christopher N. Matthews and Judith A. Burgess, “The Bethel-Christian Avenue-Laurel Hill Historic District”
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David J. Silverman on John A. Strong, 2011. The Unkechaug Indians of Eastern Long Island: A History [HTML] or [PDF] |